Tanzania Major Attractions

Ruaha National Park

Image for Ruaha National Park

Ruaha is a park where game viewing can begin the moment the plane touches down. A pair of giraffes...

Rubondo Island National Park

Image for Rubondo Island National Park

Rubondo Island is tucked into the corner of Lake Victoria, the world's second-largest lake, an inl...

Gombe Stream National Park

Image for Gombe Stream National Park

Gombe Stream is the smallest of Tanzania's National Parks, a thin strip of an ancient forest set a...

Mahale Mountains National Park

Image for Mahale Mountains National Park

Visitors are led on a guided walk in search of chimpanzees, following the clues such as the previo...

Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Image for Ngorongoro Conservation Area

The Ngorongoro conservation area boasts the finest blend of landscapes, wildlife, people, and arch...

Lake Manyara National Park

Image for Lake Manyara National Park

Tucked below the majesty of the rift valley wall, Lake Manyara National park consists of a thin gr...

Tarangire National Park

Image for Tarangire National Park

During Tarangire's dry season, day after day of cloudless skies seem to suck all moisture from the...

Saadani National Park

Image for Saadani National Park

Saadani National park is the perfect union of beach and bush. Located just 70 km north of Bagamoyo...

Arusha National Park

Image for Arusha National Park

Arusha National Park, often overlooked, is in fact a treasure, a rich tapestry of habitats, teemin...

Mkomazi National Park

Image for Mkomazi National Park

Set below the verdant slopes of the spectacular Usambara and pare Eastern Arc Mountains ranges and...

Mount Kilimanjaro National Park

Image for Mount Kilimanjaro National Park

The Great Mountain of Kilimanjaro is a metaphor for the compelling beauty of East Africa. Rising i...

Serengeti National Park

Image for Serengeti National Park

Each year more than six million hooves pound the legendary Serengeti's endless plains, triggered by the seasonal r...


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