Tanzania Safari & Tours

Tanzania Safari & Tours

Tanzania is one of Africa’s top safari destinations. The wildlife viewing is out of this world and big cats are especially easy to see. All members of the Big Five can be found in various Tanzanian parks and reserves, and all five are present in the Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti National Park. Almost 40% of the country is protected and set aside for conservation, which means that it’s easy to go on a Tanzania safari for two full weeks and drive from park to park while rarely leaving the bush.

Tanzania Safaris can be an amazing combination of a superb wildlife experience and undisturbed relaxation on stunning tropical beaches. You can choose between safari holidays in Tanzania’s famous northern circuit, the wild southern, and exceedingly remote western parks - game sightings rarely disappoint. Watch dramatic river crossings during the great Serengeti wildebeest migration or track chimpanzees in Mahale Mountains National Park! Afterward, why not add some relaxing Tanzania beach holidays to your trip? Hopping on a light aircraft in the morning, you can already be on the country’s beautiful coast in the afternoon.


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